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The Orange Day car holiday

Event Ford orange day
Event Ford day

The task: integrated event management

The beginning of the summer season will now associate with orange color for many Saint Petersburg citizens. This is because on June 2 on “Nevskoye Koltso” (Neva Ring) racetrack a family car holiday “The Orange Day” took place. It was devoted to the new car model Ford Focus ST, which has an unusual bright orange color.

Official dealers of Ford company had organized the holiday.

Many events happened on the track on that day – amateur races, test drives, carting races and races of radio-controlled cars. The main event was the gorgeous presentation of the new model, which had been developed and carried out by STEM marketing agency.

Thousands of spectators that had come to the Orange Day could appreciate the beauty of the new FORD Focus ST model. Firstly, they saw a huge cube, shining and flickering, then a magnificent horsewoman appeared who tore the cube apart to the audience's applause and unveiled the orange “horse” — new Ford Focus ST. After this everyone could examine the new car by himself, take a photo with it and a little later see him in motion.

Everyone who had had a driving license could test not only the new model but also the whole Ford model lineup of passenger cars. Many other entertainments were also organized: figure driving, children prize draw, artists’ performances and races of radio-controlled cars. The Orange Day ended with awarding the winners of the competitions with valuable prizes.

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